Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cleaning Out the Irises

One of the things I really needed to do this year is thin out the irises along the driveway.  I mentioned it to our neighbor and she thought that some of her kids might like some bulbs for their own yards.  She offered to help me and I said I would gladly share the bulbs!  One afternoon between jobs I put on my yard cleaning clothes and headed out the front door to see the Roberts (lots of them) coming across the street to help. 
It didn't take long at all and we had dug up most of the bulbs, separated them and then replanted the ones we wanted back in the newly turned soil.  We must have bagged up about 25 bags of bulbs before they told me that they didn't need any at all, but just wanted to help me.  Can you imagine???
I was able to give away all the bags within a week or so and now I'll have a nicer irises bed the coming spring.  I'm excited and very grateful for such wonderful neighbors.


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