During our Sister's Sweet Retreat to Las Vegas last June, Peggy and Margie began talking about a trip they were planning with their husbands to Cabo, MX. They were both very excited for this time together coming up in October. As we visited about this they extended an invitation for Dan and I to join them. Not really sure if this was something that would work for us, I was deeply touched by their invitation.
When I got home to Dan, we talked about it a bit and he was also excited to try. Knowing that we'd need some help, we asked Tessha if she'd go with us. She was always a great support and assistance when she lived with us and we thought she'd be able to do anything we needed ~ and she did.
She helped us get the reservation through our RCI program and we got her flights for her.
She was going from Portland to San Franisco to Cabo. We would travel non-rev on Southwest to Orange County and then take the non-rev Air-Tran flight into Cabo and meet her as well as Peggy and Mark and Margie and Terry at the airport there. Great care went into the planning and both other couples pre-arranged wonderful excursions for us all to enjoy when we got there.
All went well getting passports updated and arrangements made at work and home. Alisha took a flight to Elizabeth's and James' place and we were packed and on our way.
The first day we caught our SL flight and got to Orange County just fine but the flight to Cabo was full and we weren't going to get on it. Since there was only one Cabo flight a day we knew we had some time on our hands. Lucky us!! We called Kevin and Ellen and it took about 20 minutes and then there was Kevin at the airport picking us up. We were going to get to spend all day Friday and Friday night with them. I was probably even more excited for that then anything else that day.
Later that night Kevin and I were looking at the flights to Cabo the next day when we realized that they were filling up pretty fast. In fact, there were only two seats left with about 5 on the standby list. I decided to bite the bullet and buy the two remaining seats. With that done I looked at flights out of Cabo and realized we weren't getting out of Cabo the following Saturday as non-revs so I bought two tickets on Alaskan Airlines from Cabo to Seattle. You see, we had to get out because the next day (Sunday) little Everett was being blessed and we wanted to be there with them. Both sets of tickets were exactly what was needed and a blessing to us.
While we were enjoying time with Kevin and Ellen,Tessha met up with the others at the Cabo Airport and they all traveled together to the Pueblo Bonita Sunset Beach Resort right on the end of the pennisula. The west side of the resort was on the Pacific Ocean and the other side was on the Gulf of California and we went from one side to other almost daily.
That first day (Friday) the five of them took a "Glass Bottom Boat Tour" that Margie and Terry had arranged. Tessha said it was beautiful and everyone remarked how wonderful the guide was. Here are a few of Tessha's pictures of their day.
The group went snokelling and had lunch on the beach. They also saw and took pictures at the Cabo San Lucas Arch at Land's End.
Tessha had our condo all set up for us and the view was amazing.
The next day was Sunday and we all got ready for Church and then drove around the city to find the ward building. They were having the Primary Children Program and it was delightful to listen to all the talks and songs in Spanish. The kids were so cute and well taken care of.
After church Mark, Peggy, Tessha, Dan and I went back to the resort and changed our clothes before heading out to explore Todos Santos, a resort town about an hour or so north west of us.
When I was growing up, there was a famous song about "Hotel California". Todos Santos is where this hotel is located so of course we had to look around there for a while.
We found a beautiful Church in Todos Santos where they were honoring Fatherhood. It was very exciting to see a familiar value.
There were also lots of fun little shops full of souvenirs or anything else you'd like.
I bought a sun hat and ice creams. Tessha bought a beautiful hand painted plate and Peggy and Mark bought several things to take home to the family. Peggy also handed out several Booksof Mormon to those she talked with. It was exciting and a very good Sunday.
We made it back to Pueblo Beach and settled in for the night. Tessha made us a wonderful dinner and we enjoyed our evening together.
Monday morning we did a little tour of the resort and later on Tessha and I had some spa time. We both got massages and I sat in the hot tub at the spa for a while.
Very nice and relaxing. We hung around the resort on Monday and enjoyed the time together.
I was entralled with the sunsets and the natural beauty of our resort so I took many, many pictures but will share only a few.
This is Mark and Peggy's version of "playing in the sun" or "the shadows", however you want to look at it. Personally, I think it's the perfect way to play.
Monday night we went to the Sky Pool at the top of the resort and watched the sun decend into the Pacific Ocean and then we when down to the Pacifica Resort that you see in the distance in this last photo. They are both part of the Resort but had different reservations.
These are floating palm trees each on their own little island.
Pacifica was a smaller but very elegant place.
There was detail in all the walls, walks, floors, windows, etc.
We were able to walk through the lobby to their beachside outdoors.
They had just finished a dinner outside and were having some live entertainment.
We danced to their music for a while and then rested in the lounge chairs near by.
Before we left, Tessha gave a Book of Mormon to one of the night guards.
Tuesday we loaded up and headed to the other resort beach where we lined up a parasailing adventure.
It was a first time for me although I remember watching Tessha and Linda, (her friend) going parasailing while we were in Aruba. I have to say, I loved it!!
Mark and Peggy went up before we did so we got some good pictures of them, too.
When Tessha and I went up I took my camera so I could get pictures from a different perspective and this is what I got.
When we got back we walked along the beach on our way to the hotel where Dan was waiting for us. The beach was beautiful with warm waters.
Mark and Peggy pause to pose for a photo (maybe it was just to kiss).
And with that taken care of we head off for the "best fish taco" place in Cabo.
Before we left Peggy and/or Tessha gave a Book of Mormon to one of the waiters. Way to go, girls!
On our way home we stopped at the Mega store and picked up some groceries for dinner.
And then we made good ol' Harmon style enchiladas and everyone came over to join us. This was the first time we had spent much time with Margie and Terry because they had come down with a bug and had kept to themselves till now. It was so nice to have everyone together for a little while and we were glad Margie and Terry were starting to feel better.
After a full day it was a good time to relax.
Wednesday, I think we pretty much stayed around the resort and relaxed and enjoyed. I remember sitting on the patio outside our roon, watching a movie on netflix and cross-stitching. Doing one of the things I love doing in a beautiful, relaxing atmosphere is worth more than most things I know. Yeah for Wednesday in Cabo. Of course, you don't generally take pictures of netflix movies so I actually don't have many pictures of Wednesday. I would also really appreciate anyone who has a better memory than I reminding me of things I've forgotten.
Thursday Tessha and I put on our swimsuits, grabbed our sunglasses, books, cross-stitch, and lotions and headed to one of the many, many beautiful pools at Sunset Beach. We spend the entire day, dipping in the waters and relaxing on the lounge chairs around the pool.
I love spending time with Tessha and what a great way to do it.
We did finally break ourselves away from the sun and water because we had to go get ready for our first catamaran ride in the Gulf of California. Margie and Terry put it together for us and it was so fun. We all met up at the Marina and found our boat. Mark was so very helpful getting Dan to the boat and settled on it!
We had music, dancing,drinks, snacks and
watched an amazing sunset in the Pacific ocean.
We returned to the marina in the dark and walked the exciting sidewalks till we were ready to go back to our rooms. What a beautiful, exciting night!
Friday was going to be our very last day in Cabo so Mark and Peggy joined us poolside for one more day. It was perfect!! I couldn't have wanted for more.
We ended our day with fine dinning and great company.
and memories that will last a life time.
Oh my goodness!!
Saturday morning found us packing our bags and heading to the airport. One wonderful week and it was now time to move on to our other lives at home.
However, we weren't quite ready to return to Idaho so Dan and I flew into Seattle.
We had a very special baby blessing to attend to the very next day.
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