Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thanksgiving in Baltimore

Dan and I were invited to spend Thanksgiving with Daniel and Dalynn in Baltimore. We were so excited! At first we thought Luke and Jenn and their family would be able to join us, but Luke was on call and they had to stay in Atlanta. Although we missed seeing them we had an absolutely wonderful time with Daniel, Dalynn and the girls.

They gave us beautiful flowers and painted my fingers and toes. The girls made a "pattern"; dark pink, light pink, dark pink, etc. I have not taken the polish off of my toes and although it is fading and peeled in places, every time I see my toes I am reminded of three little girls and the fun we had together.

On Wednesday evening Brother Hickman cave over and we recorded Dan's history. He had lights, camera and microphones. Brother Hickman had asked to record Daniel's history, but Daniel suggested doing Dan's. Brother Hickman records histories and makes two copies in different forms of medias. Then they are stored in vaults and each time the form of media changes, the histories are transposed onto the new form to be kept for future viewing. What an amazing opportunity and blessing for Dan. We can never thank Daniel and Dalynn enough. We have since then recieved a DVD copy of the interview and will treasure it.

Thursday morning we began preparing Thanksgiving dinner and Dalynn had lots of great help from the girls.

On Friday (the day after Christmas) we went out looking for the perfect Christmas tree.

cut it down, took it home and set it up...

We had a Tea Party...

went for walks, saw beautiful sunsets and played on the deck out back...

Saying goodbye was sweetened with wonderful memories. Thank you for the invitation Daniel and Dalynn. It was so good to spend time with your family.

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