"In the January 2004 worldwide leadership training meeting, President Gordon B. Hinckley admonished the women of the Church to 'stand strong and immovable' against the evil that is growing in the world("Standing Strong and Immovable," Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 10, 2004, 20). Sisters, this is why we must seek to know and feel the Lord's love in our lives. It is why we must remember and
treasure up our own experiences with His peace and the strength it brings. And it is why we must relate our own experiences of faith and testimony to
our children and to those who are without parents or loved ones."
On this blog site I hope to "relate" some of my own "experiences of faith and testimony" to my children and loved ones.
I am so grateful for the wonderful women I have in my life who are examples to me of standing strong and imovable against the evils of the world. I often see it in the things you do and say. Thank you!!!
With love, Sandy (Mom/Granma)
I really liked the world wide leadership training of this year. It was good too. Thanks for the uplifting thought.
Darn, we missed the training meeting. Things have been a little crazy around here on the weekends. With Luke gone most week days and only home on the weekends I have a hard time getting my act together when he is around. Isn't that weird? You would think it would be the other way around. I guess we just want to play when Luke's home. Anyways, we completly forgot about it. How bad are we?! It sounded awesome! Standing steadfast at all times is something I think we can all do a better job at, or at least I could. I'm going to have to chew on that one for a while. Thanks Sandy. love you.
I missed it, too. :-( I just get "LDS-Gems" by email twice a day. This was one that I really liked so I saved it. That blog should have been on my Uplift My Soul blogsite, but I goofed when I put it in The Tall and the Short of It All. I'll try to include some LDS-Gems with my UMS blog.
I so totally understand about "playing" when daddy's home. That's some of the best times. Give him a hug for us and then have him give you one, too. We love you all !
www.upliftmysoul.blogspot.com - maybe. If not, there's a link on my first site. :-)
I love your blog and your little fun inspiring thoughts. I have been so amazed at how you kept journals and baby books for each one of us. I can't even keep up with Sitani and Marley, let alone write about it. I love you and truly admire you a lot.
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