There's nothing like a birthday for a full-fledged party. And that's just what we did in September.
For my birthday on the 17th, Dad bought me a dozen beautiful red roses. Isn't he the best?!) Tessha made me a cake and got me a chin exerciser... I blew out the candles... and Alisha did a dance Earlier that night Tessha had taken some cupcakes into the pharmacy and dropped off a Princess Birthday badge for me to wear. When I clocked in at 4:00 they all surprised me by bursting into song, pinning the badge on me and eating all the cupcakes. All n all, it was a great Happy Day!!
On Friday that week I went to American Fork and met up with my sisters. We stayed the night at Peggy's house and of course we celebrated birthdays. We all brought gifts for each other. I took Jenni's Lullaby Album
for each of them and they gave me some wonderful gifts. Penny gave me a pillow, and a bag of lotions, bath fizzles, etc. Margie gave me a beautiful scarf that I plan on wearing with my black pant suit. Peggy gave me a beautiful Begona plant
and a very special bracelet that belonged to Granma Rhode. Granma worked for the Bell Telephone Company and sometimes during a summer visit she would take me up there and I could watch her work. The bracelet has a little phone charm on it which is just like the old type phones with the little earpiece that attaches to the phone. I love it. I loved it all! We went to The Gardens at Thanksgiving Point on Saturday and had a wonderful day. You'll have to see our Sister's Sweet Retreat Blogsite for more pictures.
Then Saturday night I went on to visit my favorite Oremite family~ and their very exciting, getting older Mama! Sunday was Kristi's birthday and this was the first time in many years when I was able to be with her on her birthday. I often think of her as "my birthday present" since she was born just 3 days after my birthday. So, I was very excited to be with her when she turned cough, cough, cough. Sorry, there was something in my throat. :-)
I will never be able to include all of the fun pictures we took that day so, I'm going divert from my regular monologue and post just pictures~~~ Some of you are going to love this.
Everett's creative writing
7 months ago