Sunday, January 17, 2010

My First Tie Job

Today is Sunday and I tied my first tie. Yes, I've tried to do it before but it's never worked out right. So, I'm pretty excited to finally be able to make a nice-looking knot on a tie. Dad was even pleased with it,too. Let's hope I can do it again. (Noah, Granpa says he needs to get some clip on ties like you have.)

Tie or no tie, he's still the best looking guy I know.


Jenni said...

Good job on tying a tie! I have yet to master that art. I need to learn...

Will Thomas said...

I still remember being in Primary and Dad finding me between classes and asked who tied my tie. When I told him you, he just gave that look and said moms don't tie ties, that's a dad job, and he went ahead and retied my tie.

I'm glad you got it figured out now!

Justin and Kristin said...

I can tie a pretend tie, don't ask me what it is, but it looks almost like a tied tie, but it's not!! One day, I hope I can tie a tie too! Good job!

Unknown said...

now days they make really cool Zip up ties. I'll keep an eye out for some on sale.

Unknown said...

Way to go mom! You need to teach me for all those young men that let me tie their ties lol