Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fine Fixings

I've been impressed with Will's work in the kitchen and Jenni's ability to appreciate it. So, I have to show you what Dad did for me.

There are (were) 60 perfectly shaped, perfect tasting shrimp with more than enough shrimp cocktail sauce to enjoy every single little pinkie. I almost got carried away and ate them all before taking a picture for you. One picture later and:WAAALAAA~

Too bad I didn't take a picture of the smile on my face . :-)


Dan Thomas said...

Dear Sandy,

I am glad that you enjoyed them.


Jenni said...

That actually looks REALLY good. I don't think I'm supposed to eat shrimp while prego, so I've been avoiding it. And not to mention Will thinks that shrimp is food for his fishtank, so we don't exactly buy prawns/shrimp to eat. But I love shrimp with cocktail sauce. mmmmm your picture looks yummy.

The Thomas Family said...

Yummy! Dan does good work.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dad. You can cook (buy) shrimp for me anytime. Looks good.